Long-distance resolution

Long-distance resolution

June 26, 2024

26 June 2024

A woman who had been living outside of Canada for 15 years sought our help in obtaining more than $25,000 in child support through the Family Responsibility Office (FRO).

A woman who had been living outside of Canada for 15 years sought our help in obtaining more than $25,000 in child support through the Family Responsibility Office (FRO). When she left Ontario, she had asked the FRO to hold the payments for her as they accumulated, as it was easier for her to cash the cheque as a lump sum. She told us she had been trying to work with the FRO for a year to have the funds transferred, but was having difficulty communicating with her caseworker.

RESULT: After we stepped in, the FRO sent the woman a wire transfer for just over $25,000, and also began taking steps to recuperate outstanding support that she was owed.

Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.